
Friday 7 June 2013


Pristina to develop the facts speak foreign traders placing the dubrovnikasve in 1387. But this year Dubrovnicans Zvizdic Marko, who lived in Artanë, with his willingness to November 9, 1387 has given five pieces of gold for the maintenance of the church of St. Mary in Pristina. This shows that Pristina was developed commercial center even before the battle of Kosovo. Besides the church of Our Lady Mary, in 1421 in the small council records raguzan, mentioning another church without a name.
Foundation pillar of the Catholic Church in Pristina Pristina
Findings from Mirsad Krasniqi during the opening of the foundations of the house in the neighborhood of Troy (Tophane) in Pristina. According to anthropologists and goat bones is used as a working tool. In Pristina in 1426 had also dubrovnikase consulate. In Pristina, the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, operating a large number of dubrovnikas traders who trade with developed cities in the region. Traders dubrovnukas, gjenovas, etc. Jews were dealing primarily with precious metals like gold and silver gllam. After the Ottoman conquest in Pristina was built some sacred and profane objects oriental style as glass, baths, mosque, shrine, etc. citizen home. According to the Sanjak of Vushtrria since 1477, this time in Pristina had 9 neighborhood, which by that point had only names Christian population.
During the fifteenth century in Pristina bins included some popular ores to time. In this time of Pristina have emerged as the outstanding scholar Pristina Messiah who works his "Messiah Divani" even though the poems written in Turkish language has great value and historical literature. Mesehi Pristina dies in Bosnia in 1512. In the fifteenth century had a total of 20 Pristina neighborhood. According Shtjefën Gaspri (1671), rapporteur Albanian Pristina was one of the major cities of Kosovo. In Pristina was the administrative center of Kosovo's mining and mining province of Artana (Novo Brdo). During the late Middle Ages, in Pristina, stayed and wrote many well-known personalities of the time such as: Jovan Kontaguzeni, Hungarian King Vladislav II, Peter Bogdan, Haji Kallfa, etc. Evliya Çelebi. Peter Bogdan Albanian origin, Archbishop of Skopje and Sofia Vatican reports that Pristina had 3000 houses. Evliya Çelebi wrote in time for 2600 big houses and beautiful highlighting Allaj Saraj Beg and the court house, two large baths, hospitality and civic culture. In Pristina has 11 inns, among which most of the knowledge at the time of Hajj Bey was eat.
Based on data in 1689 that gives Coronelli in "Illyricum" and "Corso plantain fiumi Drinos of Dalmatia nella Boiana" Pristina in 1689 had 4,000 homes. At this time Pristina had 360 villages and a number of them were burned. The city has two bathrooms, one is the Fatih baths on the market, the other is the old baths. In a corner of the bathroom, there is a sign Fatih, for this reason it is called as the holy bath and visited many. In Pristina has 3000 stores that are less about this city, grapes and pears here has very good write udhëpërshkruesit who visited Prishtina in the seventeenth century. In 1690 with the arrival of the Ottomans and Tatars, the country suffered quite heavy, especially the district of Pristina. There were many deserted villages, most of them burned and disappeared Turks and Tatars.
Pristina was weakened during the Austro-Turkish war, when the town was a center of the Austrian General Staff Pikolominit. At the end of the Austro-Turkish war 1689-1690 Ottoman and Tatar troops entered Pristina and makes a great revenge against Albanians. As George later wrote the archbishop's nephew Peter Bogdan Bogdan, although Peter Bogdan had died and was buried, he was exhumed by the Ottomans and was cast as food qenesh between Pristina site. Pristina during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ruled Gjinolli.
After the murder of Maliq Pash Gjinolli 1809, one of its chambers became museum. Museum Gjinolli feudal family of Albanian origin was very interesting and cultural institution similar to those yards feudal states in Europe, which was destroyed during the Balkan wars in 1912. Gjinolli family museum collection has had a number of exhibits of historical and ethnographic among them was the guillotine of Yasar Pasha. Pristina Felix De Bozhur mentioned, according to which in 1812, had two fairs Pristina, autumn and spring, attended by many traders from the east and west. In 1822 about 3,000 Kosovo Albanians tried to go to Istanbul to demand the resignation of Maliq saw Gjinolli which at that time was known as the tyrannical rule and Pristina.
In Pristina were developed very ancient craft among them was the craft of Hasrat. Besides these crafts were also recognized punuesve leather crafts, kazangjijëve, paper dishes from clay and metal appliances, traditional clothing, etc. works. Pristina today lacks City Museum during construction in the city are not forwarded to the opening excavation of foundations by the competent institutions, and as a result a very moving exhibits are thrown into pits and covered with earth and debris. In 1997 the abyss of brick factory where dust thrown during excavations in the city are also found enamelled pots with argentius-gllam.
Enamelled pots with argentius-gllam found Qazim Namani
Reforms in the Ottoman Empire in 1892 and began a new reform committee composed of persons known and respected ethnic Albanian. Pristina was Danish Beg who later became minister of internal affairs of the Empire. In the first half of July 1844, the Turkish army led by serasqerin valiut of Rumelia and Omer Pasha went to Pristina Albanians to quell the uprising. Serasqerit became the seat of Pristina. The rebels retreated into the mountains of Pristina. Omer Pasha stated that the 7000 British consul Albanian insurgents were drawn in the mountains near Pristina. Ottomans did Pristina registration Muslims who refused to yield to recruit Nizam. On March 8, 1845 the British Consul in Thessaloniki reported that Albanians surrounding Pristina will not provide free acquisitive power. By the Ottoman soldiers who did spoil during termination of this uprising was far richer.
Austrian Consul writes that occupied Pristina Albanian insurgents in spring 1844. Pristina fell into the hands of insurgents in March 1844, when Abdyrrahman Pasha left Pristina to Prizren to his friend Mehmet Pasha Ixet. Izet By 6000 people had given Andyrrahman Pasha returned to Pristina, but insurgents stopped the attack and were in control Pristina. In Pristina, in June 1837 and August every day people die from mortar 80-140. In 1846 Maliq Bey decided that all the heads of the Albanian Catholic families sent them to a place surrounded in Pristina. All the prisoners brought in heavy shackles on his hands and feet, with a heavy chains linked to the environment and a leg. This was a weight of 40 Turkish okësh approximately 5o kg. By Yasar Pristina shut these prisoners in a jail even worse in prison and ordered to be issued to the water. These prisoners were transferred from Pristina to Skopje and Thessaloniki were sent through small Asia.
In Pristina are cultivated, noble games in Poteçishtë called. These competitions are organized every year similar to the Sinjin-only link with a chain difference is instead of using gloves, which riders have been tasked to strike with the sword, arrow or mace. In Pristina were held tournament (Fighting) different. Pristina fell upon two major fires in 1859 and 1863. According to resident gamer, Prishtina is the largest city located between Thessaloniki and Sarajevo. In 1874 the seat of the Vilayet of Kosovo in Pristina passes and three years later began to be published in the Turkish magazine "Kosovo". In Pristina in 1887 the Serbian consulate was opened, and in 1890 was assassinated Serbian consul Luka Marinkovic. According Cvijiq, Pristina in the early twentieth century had 4000 houses. Pristina had also covered bazaar. From public monuments in Pristina, which is today the object separated Kosovo Museum, where the object is located Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Great Bath, Clock Tower, etc. Complex Gjiku Emin. Sacral buildings separated by Bazaar Mosque, the largest mosque, etc. Pasha Mosque Yasar. There's Tomb in Pristina Pristina and Evangelical Church. On the outskirts of Pristina, in the village there Shkabaj small tomb and the tomb is Mazgit village of Sultan Murad. Pristina was destroyed during the war Balkans, the Serb forces entered the city.
Suleiman Kylqe (Turkish scholar), wrote that the telegram of March 29, 1910 was organized uprising of 2000 people by the people and Pristina kazave Vushtrria and the occupied streets Gallap Lab and inviting people to join you. The uprising was made to remove otrovës tax (tolls Ottoman administration). In the telegram, dated April 19, 1910 before the uprising reportedly Lab and Gallap, Yahya Efendi from Pristina to shop Rifat has Kafexhi neck hung a sheet in a calendar Albanian chicken are brought to the market to sell in Pristina, demanding tax from him. Mahmud Çallak from Pristina ramazanije neighborhood has taken a grain of tolls otrove 8 eggs, and an Albanian lied to return to the village, saying that would be 9 intently penny of tax on beards. This lie is so pervasive in people.
After opening the words that will be tolls from chickens and beard, is organized gathering of villages in the valley of the village Dyz, KULINE Lab and started fighting with Shefki Pasha. On May 21, 1910 came Shefqet Mahmoud Pasha, the Turkish minister of war who began collecting weapons in the nation. On May 30, 1910 as the population took control of Vushtrri, Drenica and Pristina, the army command body prepares a special detachment was composed of eight battalions and began checking the Galap Llab regions. Mahmoud Pasha Shefqet March 30, 1910 announced that the amount of weapons collected amount has reached 8000 and stipulated that the amount of weapons that will be collected in the prefecture of Pristina will pass gun number 15000.
Pristina was occupied by Serbs on October 12, 1912. On the road to Pristina Serb army had killed and 1448 wounded Albanian. A Danish journalist at the time reported from Skopje to Pristina Albanians were killed after the 5000 invasion of the city. After the occupation of Pristina by the Serbian army in 1913, he filed the archbishop Mjeda 1200 his believers were forcibly converted to orthodoxy. In May 1913 the Serbian commander of the Pristina area of ​​Belgrade proudly informed that 195 were converted Muslim Albanians in Pristina. In early 1913 became the census is not recorded any Albanian Pristina. In 1915 a Russian journalist had reported that half of the population was Albanian. In 1916 according to the Bulgarian census recorded 11 486 Albanian Pristina.
In February 1914 the Serbian government issued decree regulating the liberated regions, so the placement of Serbian Nikola Pašic settlers bought 3000 hectares of land near Pristina. In colonial villages were expelled Albanians and Serbs built besides the new settler villages and labeled according to Serbian Serbian mythology. In Çakllavica established near Pristina, etc. Jugoviqi Camels. After the Second World War Between the two wars, there was a rapid development. In Pristina and the surrounding settled many column was thoroughly embraced Orthodox religious objects and Albanian population began moving to Turkey. Facilities were built for Serb rulers and their fun. Many houses were Albanian citizens of Serb property settler. The present building was built in 1927 in Union, Western Baroque style, which was used as a hotel for the entertainment of local music from the Royal Military Guard SKS.
How many citizens of Pristina after they experienced violence at the time, in the back of this building, tortured to death Albanians. Bulgarian Academician Stefan Karastefanovi in ​​his book "Kosovo" describes more details of violence and hatred against Albanian Serbian authorities after World War II, I dissociate only two cases recorded in this book: Edward Kardelj assuming the performances of Serbian nationalism after World War II, said in the sixties: 1. Even our party friends were involved in the persecution of Albanians chauvinistic, women and their children. 2. Hatred against Albanians in Pristina reached the point that in 1992 the Grand Hotel was hung a piece of dirt "in Croatian, Albanian and banned dog".
Pristina became the administrative center of Kosovo in 1947, and was developed with a fast dynamic objects discard traditional Ottoman period. Today Pristina as urban city this period has changed completely, with the exception of some narrow streets, where some buildings have remained rare architectural value of the Ottoman period.
House Biklia old city neighborhood of Pristina.
In Pristina, after World War II, began to build institutional and urban infrastructure, the slogan of building a city with urban scenery. With the city's urban plan of 1953, entire neighborhoods were destroyed along with the bazaar, destroying Albanian folk architecture of the Turkish period. In this period, very few citizens home managed to escape from urban deliberate plans, processed in Belgrade. With this plan was ruined Catholic church in Prishtina, Llokaqit Mosque, Jewish Synagogue etc.. In place of the mosque was built by architecture Theatre of Kosovo and Slavic-Russian model. After World War II, in 1945, began the demolition of the old city cemetery.
Two years after the war, the cemetery complex, began to dig the earth and tjegulloren wagons sent to Skopje. In 1947 the plan was designed to be built in this locality brick Pristina. Employees who have worked at the time, remember that they encountered during excavation in the cemetery. The excavations began under the cemetery complex of today's elementary school "Asim Vokshi" in the city beyond the stone bridge over the railroad on the road Pristina-Podujevo. Stage collapse of the Albanian cemetery in Pristina continued well into the seventies, the cure time built a new brick city. I remember as a child when we saw bulldozers rolled into the yard tjegullores today, dozens of old cemetery inscribed epitaphs written in Ottoman. There was also a grave worked very well with a heavy metal lid. Of these graves, only one family managed to exhume relatives own time. During the nineties, in the abyss of the excavation collapsed tjegulloreje nearly 100 graves of Albanians today's complex city cemetery.
Photo old from Pristina
According Šaip Berilës, four of the city's old quarters also had its own cemetery. Cemeteries were over Varos, the brick factory chimney, the Mosque of Lab ... These cemeteries were razed and the land given to the Serbs, but then nobody even dared to ask why this was being done, says Berila. Also present fleet of Prishtina, was the cemetery complex of Albanians, especially those who were displaced from Sanjak of Nis. Flat Cemetery were also the "Field of Reconciliation", the well near the hajratit. In Pristina are two locations with Jews cemeteries, graves Tauk old orchard 10 acres in size, in which 800 Jews were buried buried since the 1850s. In the cemetery are buried 200 new Jewish year of 1922.
Synagogue is thought to carry the entrance to the "Emin Gjiku"
Jewish Gravestone with inscription plaque, found in Tophane
The fate of the old cemetery in Pristina, the experienced many localities and cities in Kosovo. Locations with material non-Slavic culture was colonized by settler brought from Serbia, who built dwellings on the civilization and culture of the earliest civilizations in these areas. After the occupation of Kosovo, the settlers were placed throughout its territory, except in the district of Pristina city, the column was placed in Gracanica. Bërrnicë, Bardhosh, where he learned the cemetery, properties, residential homes and religious sites. In Berrnicë, was adopted early graves of Albanians who were under local Albanian population, were tombstones, partly with them forged and created the myth of Nine Serbs Jugovica. These stones are also published in book Dragan Ivanovic Milan Cukiçit and published by the Office for Cultural Monument of Prishtina in 1996. Description of authors is very suspicious, so this issue remains to be studied by eminent experts in the field. Albanian native population of the surrounding villages, has maintained that the raja of data and Bërrnicës Kolovicës, who lived during the Ottoman rule in these villages are Albanians, the tribe Krasniqe and brotherhood with the Albanian village of Llukar Makoc.
Pristina after World War II, the city won an important function of administrative, economic and political, that created a solid material basis. City size was measured by the degree of involvement, number of staff, specialists, scientists, politicians and intellectual freelancers.

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