
Thursday 6 June 2013

Dear readers, ladies and gentlemen, The first railway line was built in Kosovo in relation 1874.Në General Jankovic - Fushe Kosovo - Mitrovica. Started later and was conducted existing rail network construction throughout the territory of Kosovo.

Kosovo Railways extend throughout Kosovo with a length of 333,451 km. In this length does not include industrial lines which reach a length of 103.4 km. Railway lines relate all the most important centers of Kosovo except Gjakova and Gjilan. Lines of rail services have a direct connection with neighboring countries such as Macedonia and Serbia and through them with other countries.
Kosovo Railways are in a very difficult situation. Railway infrastructure (tracks, stations, buildings, plant signaling, telecommunications and energy), then railway operations (locomotives, passenger carriages and those goods, workshops, etc..) Require large investments, the maximum commitment of all employees, management staff and other responsible authorities, in order to improve the existing situation.

I know that to achieve this, in our way are many obstacles and difficulties. But, with clear objectives, and action plans with well prepared, I believe that we will bear the desired results.

A famous American general said:

"You should never attempt to fit the circumstances of his plan: You should always plan to adapt to the circumstances."

George S Patton 1944

If circumstances change and the plan must adapt to those changes of circumstances, then the plan must also change.

If the plan can not adapt to changing circumstances, it would quickly become obsolete and will be placed in the drawer to be covered by dust. We can not have a plan which assumes that the list of problems in the future will be the same as in the present.

We can not have a plan which assumes that money to solve these problems will always be ready and available. We must be prepared for the challenges that await us on our way.
Therefore, based on all these mentioned above, we consider that a good job, with good management and with any potential investment, Kosovo Railways JSC expects a much brighter future by it in they are in today. Surely, this is a big challenge, for which we must prepare and create sufficient capacity to meet the objectives set.

Kosovo Railways JSC every day more and more moving forward. Our vision is very clear. We will be the main providers for the transport of goods and passengers in Kosovo and abroad. The realization of this objective has already begun and we are working to accomplish this mission successfully.

Therefore, with the famous slogan: "The customer is always right" we welcome all individuals and companies at home and abroad to seize the opportunities that provide Kosovo Railways JSC. We guarantee to everyone the opportunity and equal opportunities regardless of gender, nationality, religion or race. We are open and transparent to all, with a view to our clients not ever disappoint.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Clients present and future,
Kosovo Railways you expect that you take advantage of the opportunities that they were offering. So, welcome in our common train that moves toward a united Europe, which follows the train to the future.

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