
Friday 7 June 2013


In a document issued by Pristina in 1325, you requested the Saint Mitri dubrovnikasve plates. Pristina has also written to Emperor Johan Kontaguzeni in 1342, a time which has provided some important clues to the location. According to the writings of Johann Kontakuzenit in Pristina said the chamber has been building large public gatherings, for trials, the celebrations and entertainment. Pristina had the castle, which was destroyed during the siege Sultan Mutati The city in 1389. This is also confirmed by Evliya Çelebi in 1662 when he wrote that Pristina castle built by King Milutin's devastated after Sultan Murad I in Pristina. According to Serbian sources palace built between King Millutini clock tower and mosque bazaar today.
A citizen in the transfer of land after the opening of a foundation close to the statistical entity and stone mosque (bazaar), this place had transferred some marble stones. Quarry stones are plastic and surrounded by lekythoi and according to experts are working in period antiques. Whether carried out Ulpijana or any other location can be verified only after observing the excavation for construction in that area. Based on the data mentioned above for the existence of the castle place between clock tower and mosque bazaar, may assert that these data are later after the mosque and clock tower. Here when it comes to the bazaar mosque should be noted that glass Llukaq the theater was built, covered bazaar near Pristina.
Whatever the place where it is said that the city has existed castle testify that these stones be detected suggesting that Pristina had its stronghold since the early Roman or Byzantine. It remains to be determined only by archaeological excavations in the locality. Also during the transfer of soil from construction in Pristina in 1997, was found in a basement bar which are next to each other engraved symbol of sun worship and the cross. Noted that this stone with lime mortar work and pottery mixed with the ground is no sign of burning leaves to understand what we are dealing with a backbone of any object of worship except that the cross has astral symbols of paganism period and who also was burned. Instead of this finding is unknown stone was found dumped in the open abyss of brick factory in Pristina. Findings of this stone is another proof to believe that the capital was first medieval township.
Marble stones found in Pristina in 1996 by Qazim Namani, stones have emerged during the excavation of a foundation close to the Statistical Office of the bazaar and mosque Pristina during the Middle Ages was an important seat. Before the Battle of Kosovo Pristina became the capital of the province and as such remained long after the battle. Besides the buildings near Pristina built on the foundations of an earlier church, monastery of Gracanica, as a monument of culture of particular importance. Seen that the capital and its surroundings at the time had many monuments, and the presence of such monuments as the monastery of Gracanica, artistic values ​​entered into the most perfect creations of Europe and the World.

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