
Friday 7 June 2013

dormitories of students

The first schools were opened in Shkodra Albanian suburb of about 400 years ago and the high school at least 134 years ago. Scutari had first astronomical observatory in the Balkans. During the centenary Shkodra has been a metropolis of civilization and even Balkan Albanian.
For decades the communist state official had a strange thesis, according to which the first Albanian school in Albanian lands is only open in 1887 in Korca. In memory of this event was announced March 7 as National Teacher Day.
School of Korca with poetry Naimi said that "I wish us to be borrowed" it is important to have, but other historical data, the other brand.
Albanian schools in rural northern homeland have gjalluar at least four hundred years since. Father Donat Kurti in a study published in Hylli of Light in 1935 speaks for the first Albanian school in 1638. As the first school "as we know" he mentions "three: Pdhanës school (read: Pllana), the Blinisht e Shkodra". To say that it first opened in 1638. While American researcher Edwin Jacques (Jacques Edwin) in his famous book "The history of the Albanian people from antiquity to the present day" (The Albanians: An Ethnic History from Pre-Historic Times to the Present) leads the first Albanian schools slightly forward in time, in 1632.
"School first documented in Albanian Vela opened in 1632 Mirdita," he wrote. But that was not the only one. In his "Another school was open quite early in Kurbin 1632. Besides literacy Albanian grammar taught there and used books Bardhi Budi Bogdani ". Historian E. Jacques adds that the other was opened "in Pllana, a village near the river Mat, on 1638, in Troshan, 1639, and in Shkodra city itself in 1698." The author mentions some of the teachers in these schools served. Attract their attention surnames: Lasso (John), Shkodrani (Philip), and a third Dermia (Demetrius), which apparently is from a southern province of the country, from Dhërmi.
Then he opened many other schools. Until 1878, then a decade before "the first Albanian school" (!) The propaganda of dictatorship in Albania's northern cities to Durres, as American scholar notes, "had 21 other elementary schools in Albanian, who develop their activities ". He explains that each of these schools had about thirty pupils, except in Prizren, which had eighty. "
For historical reasons these schools are recognized initially opened in the surroundings: in Shkodra and conqueror cities generally have stronger control, focused, and it's difficult to impossible opening an Albanian school.
Schools were religious, Catholic. This dimension was understandable for the time, could not be otherwise. Catholicism represented the first religion of Albanians. In those conditions, especially when the pressure changed through faith invasion aimed to assimilate, it can be said that Catholicism was an essential part of the identity. Catholicism representing Western culture and civilization. E. Jacques cites an Albanian Franciscan cleric named Leonardo, who, on the substance of these schools, states: "We are missionaries of civilization more than religion."
In the trenches is Eve Assembly, held on 14-15 January 1703, the second Sunday of Epiphany, the Church of Saint Nicholas in Lezha Mërkinjë. As known, it was organized on the initiative of the direct guidance of a great pope, Clement XI Albani. Researchers have pointed out that under this religious garment assembly organized by an Albanian blood pope hiding the great goal of living Albanianism held, in terms of Ottoman occupation.
Even the fact that the Assembly historical documents were published simultaneously in Latin and in English, three hundred years ago, clearly shows this view, as evidence that people who wrote were not limited slip, so no schools where they teach learn Classifieds . This year was treqindvjetori the state Assembly in Tirana Eve and made great sleep, together with its academic institutions, including the most important scientific institution in the country, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania. Continuation of the same disdainful attitude that was held for Mother Teresa's beatification in her. It did not make noise press, so it became this great opportunity sanctuary, which was very little, so it would not be done.
But let's go back to school. No official publication does not mention them. In many textbooks continue with theses observations old. It happens to irresponsible state institutions, to ignorance, to atheism, or because the tracks are kundërkombëtare spirit of dictatorship, which was "inernacionalizmin" of ideology over national interest? Do all these have finger together in this mbasdore?
Përhapësimi of fraud such a wickedly ugly history of civilization for your country, bringing the opening of the first Albanian school nearly three years later than the truth is documented by researchers, moreover between a Europe where Universities thrive millennium, is really something përbindshore. It is one of the worst services to be leaving (the nation) and Albanian definitely an investment account etnonacionaliste primordial Balkan regions. All dictators rroposin his people, but not inherited civilization, culture and language. What has happened today is happening partly Albania is pakundshoqe of its kind.
Apparently it was named the most politically expedient, to the ire of the North Shkodra kundërkomunist to Catholicism hatred of Western civilization, let fundohej the cultural heritage of European civilization of the nation.
In other words, no bride who kruhej with mullixhinë, but the witch cried the old woman: for my anger cloud my son's shtifsha on earth!

American Historian Edwin Jacques at work naltpërmendur adds that in 1877 in the city of Shkodra was an "influential center for higher education, St. Francis Savierit colleagues, technical education to equip the trade with about 400 students."
This high school was also a research center for the entire Balkans, not only for Albania. According to this author, "a scientific innovation at the College of St. Savierit was Meteorological Observatory, established there in 1888, as the first astronomical observatory in the Balkans". This observatory, says Jacques, "he continued his valuable services until 1946, when it was confiscated by the communist regime."
So spoiled once again proved as a load center of Western civilization not only in Albanian scale, but also wider regional scale.
The truth must finally be said: date of establishment of the first high school in Albania related institutes that much noise proclaimed communist government that was continuing even today recognize as the official date of the beginning of high school. High School First Albanian dates back at least 1877, when St. Francis College documented Savierit, which equip with knowledge of technical trading 400 students. Documented that date, but it is not known: it may have been previously opened.
In the study mentioned above Kurti Father Donat gives a wonderful provide for our country's relations with the technological revolution that shook the world of extraordinary cultural driving force that gave publications and culture as a whole: for printing connections. He states that he entered the printing Obot "immediately after the gjetunit", ie immediately after its invention by Gutenberg. Obot printing, writes Father Kurti, 1493 recognized. This means that it was introduced in Albania only 38 years after Gutenberg gave his country and the world's most famous production of his creature: Bibles printed in its printing.
Thirty-eight years of that time are now thirty-eight days, maybe less. He also mentions another printing of Shkodra, called 1563, but it is not excluded that even be earlier.
Printing, as it is known, is considered as one of the greatest inventions of all time. Various scholars place Gutenberg, the author of this invention, one hundred most influential people in the history of mankind. Even American Michael Hart (Michael H. Hart), the eighth order under this criterion. Introducing so rapid, immediate, this technology shows that in the vicinity of Shkodra ties with the West were direct, to indicate that there was an intense intellectual life, full of energy, it read, create, publish, spread culture.
What books are published in those years mugëta? Sadly during the subsequent dramatic developments in the Albanian lands they are gone. But it can be hoped that something would have remained herëdokur be revealed. Vatican archives of Istanbul they are still very intact gallery of us.

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